Bookings and Registers

Groups that deliver HAF funded Fit for All sessions will take booking enquiries; make confirmed bookings; and take a register at each session to check the attendance by participants. The data collected this way is vital: it shows how we are, together, serving children and young people and their families and helps to demonstrate the value for money the Fit for All consortium provides.

There are two ways Fit for All providers can monitor registrations and attendance at sessions:

  1. by using the BIOB booking system, and/or
  2. by using the Fit for All Registration and Register Form.

Using The BIOB Booking System

Bring it on Brum produces a website with details of clubs and sessions that are funded by HAF in Birmingham. Users (families and young people) can search the BIOB site to find activities that are local and that they are interested in. By entering their details and the details of their children and young people, people can book sessions online at BIOB. Fit for All sessions are run with an emphasis on involving SEND children and young people: there often needs to be a lot of communication between parents/carers and providers before young people get involved in Fit for All. The BIOB Booking System because it lets people book onto sessions without necessarily being eligible or having been assessed by providers. So, our providers tend not to use it – which is fine because there is an alternative: the Fit for All Registration and Register Form.

That doesn’t mean Fit for All providers can’t use some aspects of the BIOB system. From Easter 2024 we will be using the BIOB system:

  1. to take (some or all of the) bookings for FFA Family Days – which are intended to provide opportunities for new families to come – with young participants – to meet community providers; find out more about Fit for All; and to meet other agencies, like Birmingham Parent Carer Forum, Early Help and benefits advice services that could help them
  2. to advertise clubs and sessions being run by community providers and allow BIOB users to register on Waiting Lists without being able to book places directly. We can use the Waiting List function on the BIOB system to enable families to register their interest without being guaranteed a place.

The advantages of using the BIOB system are that: it reduces the amount of data and data input providers and CQ have to do; and that it enables new families to get in touch, for us to evidence need and demand and to show we are accountable for the HAF grant we receive.

Using the Fit for All Registration and Register Form

This is the way all providers have managed registrations and bookings up to 2024. Rather than take bookings from people already registered on the BIOB website, we have recorded the required data about young participants manually and entered it onto a Registration Form including this information about each participant:

  • Child’s First name
  • Child’s Last Name
  • Free School Meal eligibility (Yes / No)
  • School name (From a list of schools in Birmingham and including Home Schooled and at school outside Birmingham as options)
  • Whether the young person from one of the vulnerable groups defined by the Children’s Commissioner (including siblings and young carers) (Yes / No)
  • Whether the young person has a special educational need (Yes / No)
  • Home postcode
  • Ethnicity (From standard UK ethnicity list)
  • Gender
  • Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY format)
  • Bring it on Brum! Eligibility Code (given to parents by schools to show they are eligible for Free School Meals)
  • Parent/carer first name
  • Parent/carer last name
  • Parent/carer email
  • Parent/carer mobile number

Fit for All providers them log the sessions that each young participant attends on a Register Form attached to the Registration Form. Providers can use this system and still have their club open to enquiries from new potential members using the BIOB system above.

The Registration and Register Form can be downloaded here.

Throughout the year, Children’s Quarter organises Zoom sessions explaining how to use it accurately so as to minimise errors and work involved in data input. Please contact Paul at CQ about these sessions or keep an eye on the Fit for All WhatsApp group.