Fit for All Provider Area

This is the area for Fit for All partners and providers. The links should help you get an understanding of how the programme works. See also the links to Bring it On Brum! and Holiday Activity and Food (HAF) Fund at the bottom of the page. They explain the background to Fit for All; its links to wider HAF-funded activity in Birmingham and the government funding.

background – explains where Fit for All comes from and how it relates to the Holiday Activities and Food programme and Bring It On Brum

safeguarding – important information about safeguarding and links to sources of help

policies and insurance – essential policies and standards you need in place to deliver sessions safely

timetable and dates – dates of school holidays, eligible days and deadlines

physical activity – guidance and examples relating to the primary aim of Fit for All

providing food – guidance relating to the vital food provision aspect of the programme

healthy eating – using Fit for All to promote and enable healthy eating and access to good food

enrichment activities – ideas, thoughts and guidance around enriching sessions and enrichment partners

bookings and registers – the systems you can use to book enquiries, take bookings and to simplify the collection of registers

planning your sessions – notes and ideas relating to planning the delivery of a successful set of Fit for All sessions

charging for sessions – guidance on charging and accepting donations and information about accessing: Free Childcare; Universal Credits and Working Tax Credits childcare elements; and Direct Payments

resources – links for downloads of key documents, logos, templates etc.

bring it on brum providers’ area – information about additional support and guidance from Bring It On Brum.

Further information:

First stop for further information about Fit for All is Paul at Children’s Quarter. You might also want to get in touch with Laura about specific things to do with bids, delivery and partnership working.

Bring it On Brum! is the initiative led by Street Games which coordinates HAF funding for projects in Birmingham on behalf of the City Council.

Holiday Activity & Food Fund is the government guide to the HAF fund which explains what its aims are and sets out the national policy framework around funding and delivery.