CASE STUDY: S.E.N.D Socials Summer 2021

S.E.N.D Socials Birmingham is a non-profit community group set up by a network of parents to provide social opportunities and events for children with special educational needs and disabilities.  The group used Coronation Road Play Centre and other locations to deliver Fit for All activities in Summer 2021. They included: animal encounters, stay and play, a magician, theatre workshops, adventure activities, inflatable park, bowling, biscuit decorating, arts and crafts activities. 
S.E.N.D Socials told Fit for All:

The Summer programme enabled parents, children with additional needs and their siblings to take part in these activities which would otherwise have been inaccessible to them.  The parents of children who took part, gave us fantastic feedback. Overall, they rated the summer programme an average of 4.75 out of 5 stars.  

Some of the what parents said about the HAF programme / and activities they accessed over summer:

“Just want to thank SEND for all the things you’re doing for the children and adults.. it can be challenging with our children but your group has helped so many people. Thank you!”

“Greatly run, lovely staff.”

“I think you do an amazing job. Thank you.”

“There is nothing else like it, so it is a 5 star service and programme.  It doesn’t need to be perfect… just a safe space and activities for parent and kids to attend and play… the fact it exists and is trying is brilliant. There are lots of mainstream activities for others… we loved having something to attend.”

“Thank you so much for everything you do, it’s made all the difference to our summer.”

“We had some lovely activities and trips out with SEND Birmingham.  Thank you all for your hard work and it’s great to see other parents in the same boat.”

“You guys are absolutely amazing!  You are kind, helpful and so friendly!  You have made our summer so memorable and fun!  We cannot wait to spend more time with you!”

Inclusive Approach

S.E.N.D Socials came across many  cases of people who hadn’t left their house since March – with  COVID compounding the isolation that frequently affects families with SEN children.  The feelings of relief at being able to access inclusive activities and being welcomed and accepted was tangible.  One family that had tried to access other services found that their child struggled and they had felt awkward; the Fit for All sessions delivered by S.E.N.D Socials were, in contrast, accepting and inclusive.

Food Benefits

Some children tried foods they ordinarily wouldn’t eat and for many families it gave them the social aspect of eating out with other people – something that can be especially difficult for SEN children. We hired a community garden and hosted a giant picnic. It was wonderful to see lots of families coming together and sharing the experience and the feedback from this particular event was really lovely. We also hosted a big garden picnic at another site, here’s some of the feedback from these specific sessions:

  • It was fab seeing how relaxed my 3 were, and Toby even decided to get himself some food
  • My children unanimously loved the picnic.
  • I think Joe managed to come out of his shell a little today. Thanks for a lovely picnic afternoon
  • Thank you for the picnic and play, the girls loved it (and the sand pit was a massive hit!)