Providers have a range of policies in place to ensure they deliver Fit for All safely, sustainably, accountably fairly and honestly; to ensure that participants, families, volunteers, contractors and staff are treated equitably; and that their organisations work without discrimination and with respect to equalities, diversity and inclusion.
This is the list of policies community providers MUST have in place as a minimum in order to deliver Fit for All:
- Safeguarding and protecting children policy
- Fraud Policy
- Whistleblowing policy
- Code of conduct for staff and volunteers
- Data protection policy
- a photography and filming policy and system for managing consents
- Health and safety Policy
In addition, Fit for All community providers must have adequate and appropriate insurance in place to cover their activities including the provision of food.
In relation to safeguarding children and young people, community providers should note that they are required:
- to notify Children’s Quarter and StreetGames of any and all incidents in which any Beneficiaries are harmed or placed at risk of harm arising from or relating to activities supported by HAF funding
- to notify Children’s Quarter and StreetGames (within 24 hours) if they make any referrals to the Local Designated Officer (LADO) or Social Services.