Dame Ellen Pinsent School is a special primary school in Billesley with 150 children from a cross-section of families in South Birmingham and beyond. In the first two weeks of the summer holidays, the school is organising a summer school for 30 SEND pupils, many of whom are eligible for Free School Meals (FSM). There will be 10 x 4 hour sessions (10am – 2pm) including lunch and physical activity with enrichment activities including those provided through the Fit for All programme. The club is open to all pupils at DEPS who are continuing at the school from September 2022 onward.
Club sessions will include opportunities for extensive physical activity constituted in ways that are appropriate for each individual child taking part in the club.
Sessions will be enriched by work around preparing food and the nutritional education arising from that and will be further enhanced by activities enabled through the Fit for All programme. Involvement in making food choices and preparing food will be a significant part of the club’s enrichment offer. Taste tests, support to widen food choices, food preparation and other initiatives will enable relevant learning.
The summer school at Dame Ellen Pinsent is only open to children who are at the school and will be continuing there after September. Parents/carers should make contact with the school directly if they are interested in their child(ren) taking part.