Monday 19 December at Balsall Heath CATS, 110 Edward Road Birmingham B12 9LS 2.30-5.30pm
Free for Fit for All participants; anyone delivering Bring it On Brum sessions and members of Children’s Quarter, this training is led by expert trainers from Our Place Training based in Sutton Coldfield.
During the 3hr session, participants will gain an awareness of legislation and key messages applicable to safeguarding and the protection of children and learn to recognise the signs of abuse; respond appropriately to suspicion or knowledge that a child may be at risk; and to deal appropriately with disclosures and to follow agreed procedures. The training is aimed at new staff and volunteers in particular working with children and young people with additional needs.
The session costs £30 per place and is FREE for members of Children’s Quarter and participating groups in Fit for All and Bring it On Brum. Make a booking enquiry using the form below.