19 November and 3 December at Trefoil House on Brownsea Drive (behind The Mailbox) in Birmingham City Centre, 10am – 4pm
Free for Fit for All participants; anyone delivering Bring it On Brum sessions and members of Children’s Quarter, this training is led by expert practitioners from two of Birmingham’s most experienced providers in delivering inclusive youth work:
- Simbi Folarin of Seven Up
- Romaney Southwood of Parks for Play.
Over the two sessions, they will take participants through steps to involve disabled and vulnerable young people from welcomes to involvement in evaluation over the course of two Saturdays in Birmingham City Centre.
If you aren’t involved in Fit for all, Bring it On Brum or CQ, this training costs £250 including refreshments. If you are, it’s free.
Enquire about booking your place below: