Lazer Mania Hire Offer

Fit for All providers have the chance to book discounted Lazer Mania sessions at their own venue based on a model developed at Hamstead Hall.

Lazer Mania is a competitive real-world game played between teams of young people. The idea is to get young people who are addicted to video games into something even more exciting that involves lots of real-world physical activity and builds face-to-face friendship and social skills.

Rechae Gayle, who helps to deliver Fit for All sessions at Hamstead Hall Academy, developed the service after piloting it with participants at the school. ‘The first time we offered it, we didn’t know how well it would go down’ says Rechae, ‘It was an incredible success: the young people loved it; told their friends; and wanted to come back for more.’

As well as offering the service to young people at Hamstead Hall, Rechae can help other providers deliver it using their own space. He can help train staff and volunteers to run a session and provide all the equipment needed including safety helmets and lazer tags. Crucially, the game does not use projectile guns – which distances it from the idea of gun violence and means that, unlike paintball for example, there is no risk of getting hurt by getting ‘hit’.

Rechae typically offers 16 units for a 4 hour session for £200, but is making 20 units available to Fit for You providers for the same price. Fit for You will further subsidise the first four groups to take up Rechay’s offer by paying half of the £200 cost leaving you only having to pay only £100 for a four hour session.

Contact Rechae if you would like more details about how Lazer Mania can work at your venue and WhatsApp or email Paul at Children’s Quarter to claim your discount.