Fit for All at Norton Hall

Norton Hall is a charity which provides ongoing services for many children and young people, women and families in East Birmingham from its bases in Alum Rock and Ward End.  This summer, Norton Hall will be offering youth and play activities for 280 children and young people aged 5-18, most of whom are FSM eligible and many of whom have special needs. The services are delivered at Norton Hall’s base in Alum Rock and St Cuthbert’s Catholic School in Stechford. Places are made available to local children, most of who are already users of services at Norton Hall.


Norton Hall provides a wide range of activities and opportunities to support the development of children and young people including:

  • sports and team games
  • creative arts
  • gardening
  • cooking workshops around making a variety of new and familiar meals on a low-cost basis.

Children and young people have the chance to take part in offsite activities such as outdoor adventure, farms, bush craft, forest schools and make best use of local parks helping bring them to life for the wider community.


Each child and young person will enjoy a daily healthy nutritious meal and will have healthy snacks available throughout the session. Meals provided are culturally sensitive to the community, and there is rigorous attention paid to ensure that children and young people dietary requirements including allergens are catered for and respected.

Spaces on the sessions run by Norton Hall will be taken by children who are already users of services at the centre. Find out more about Norton Hall.