Resources for Autism is a charity which provides practical services for children and adults with a diagnosis of autism and for those who love and care for them. Since 2009, the charity has had a small West Midlands team which has established links through parenting and behaviour support across the region and play services at different locations in it. Resources for Autism ran sessions between 10am and 3pm during August 2021 at Baskerville School in Quinton and The Pines Special School in Erdington. The team used their existing links with schools and families with Autistic Spectrum Condition children to bring together children and young people with ASC over the Summer. Fit for All – with the support of Bring it On Brum – was able to extend what Resources for Autism would otherwise been able to deliver over the Summer.
The Resources for Autism team told Fit for All:
“RfA usually runs some activities during the Summer…. But we catered for more children and young people this year than last: COVID has made it even harder for our families to cope. The Holiday Activities and Food funding allowed our lower income families to not only have to worry about the additional costs for food, but also to feel reassured their child, or children, would be getting a nutritious meal with good healthy ingredients.
“Involving the children in the food and cooking emphasis of the scheme this summer worked very well. It allowed the children to take a great deal of ownership of the scheme. They were able to develop their independence, work together and have fun in a playful environment. We had excellent feedback from our parents and carers.”

Here is some of what parents of children who took part in Fit for All at Resources for Autism said about the Summer sessions:
- “Staff are just amazing feel at ease taking him to the group knowing he will have a fab time. L always has the best time and comes home so happy. “
- “H loved the play scheme and when he was able to go for an extra day he practically skipped out to go! He knew he had to take his bag, wait at the door etc. The staff were so friendly and welcoming every day.”
- “Really enjoyed group and staff, very helpful and absolutely loved trip to Bosworth Beach. Friendly helpful staff and N really enjoyed himself. And felt good afterwards and good for anxiety”.
- “D really enjoyed himself. He has been enthusiastic about everything he has done and really communicated well to us about the fun he has had. We are really pleased and wanted to pass on our thanks to everybody.”
“Your service is a life line to us as a family: C has had no other provision since April 2021. Any opportunity to go out and engage in activities outside of our home is hugely beneficial for his mental and physical health. It is very reassuring that your staff knows exactly what to do if C approaches a melt-down point. For the rest of the family, it has given us a welcome and very needed break from the constant caring for him at home. Everything you do is great; your staff is very well trained and understands my son’s needs very well. They handle him very well and he is happy and safe during the sessions. I could not wish for anything done differently, everything you do is great!”
Parents made the point that Resources for Autism’s staff and volunteers are capable and know how to welcome children:
- “It was great because it meant H was doing something different during the school holidays. Ben, the fella who looked after H was brilliant. I wish there were more opportunities like this for H.”
- “The workers know how to interact and support a child, like T, who is on the spectrum. They gave him space when he needed it and encouraged him to get involved at other times. He was also able to interact with other children like himself and not feel out of place or different.”
- “I thought the communication and organisation was excellent. Right from the email invite to attending the club. It was really nice that H’s key worker was there at the door to meet him in the morning and there to say goodbye and feedback at night. It was such a warm and welcoming community, I felt really comfortable leaving H. Although he was very nervous to start with, H clearly had a fab time and was not at all nervous about going back the next few days; this says it all.”
- “All staff members are enthusiastic and caring in their approach. M evidently feels safe and secure at the sessions and it makes a massive difference to him getting away from video games/screens and trying new things with others.”
Parents felt that the continuity, commitment to inclusion and personalisation that groups like RfA are able to provide is worth a lot to children and families:
- “J has been using RfA’s summer schemes for many years and it is the highlight of the holidays for him. He loves going to Club and after speaking to staff, it seems he is a totally different person than he is a home. Whatever magic you are doing during the sessions please sprinkle some extra on him so he acts the same at home and during the week. Thanks for everything you do, its makes a real difference to my son and our family.”
- “What I liked most about the service… The high staff child ratio, the feedback at the end of the day, the activities they completed”.
- “I liked the attention given to the children. Also the last day of club was my daughter’s birthday and the staff organised a surprise birthday party which she loved so much! The team was amazing, Mo was fantastic!”
Some mainstream services that are branded as being ‘accessible’ for disabled children are not always comfortable places to be for autistic children. In contrast, at RfA:
- “He gets to be himself in a safe and non-judgmental environment. Thanks all”
- “The holiday play scheme is amazing. He feels so confident going in – there is no anxiety whatsoever because he knows it’s a place where he can completely be himself and people ‘get’ him. You cannot put a price on what a great feeling that is for him, because he often spends so much energy masking and then has a huge dent to self-confidence when there’s a shutdown. I could hug all the staff for providing these amazing opportunities. The staff – they’re amazing.”
Fit for All at Resources for Autism saw children surpass themselves. Summer playschemes aren’t just about feeding children from struggling families… they can, and do. make a lasting difference to young people’s lives:
- “M loved attending the summer camp as he had a lot fun trying new activities and enjoyed meeting new people. The service is amazing! My child actually asked to go to the summer camp as he loved it so much – this has never happened before. I can’t describe how it feels to know that M felt secure and supported. There was no anxiety before or after, he was tired from the physical activities and a happy child. Thank you so much. This is my first encounter with RfA, and I am in awe!”
- “M tried activities that he would not try with us as a family which is amazing. He did cooking, swimming and rock climbing which is astonishing as he has a fear of water and heights.”