Norton Hall Children & Family Centre is a community-based charity working in the Ward End and Alum Rock areas of Birmingham: communities with disproportionate levels of environmental, social and economic deprivation.

Norton Hall provides inclusive services to children, young people and families based on, and responding to, local need. These include holiday time youth activities, playschemes and inclusive services for disabled young people which are part of Fit for All.
Other support for families and children with special education needs and disabilities at Norton Hall includes:
Family support groups – coffee mornings for parents to meet other parents in similar circumstances and to build social support networks.
1-1 Support for parents who are navigating the education journey of their child: ensuring the right support is in place at school and to help to find a school that meets their child’s individual needs.
SENCO network meetings – where key school staff supporting children with SEND can share good practice and work together to overcome barriers.
Workshops – providing information, advice and guidance.
Read about Fit for All sessions and activities at Norton Hall: