Easter Evaluation

Thank you delivering Fit for All and for making a difference over the Easter holidays.  It’s time for some evaluation…

Please help by:

completing form 1 below and sharing any files with pictures, videos, pdfs etc either by saving them to the CQ shared drive (call-back about how things went over Easter.

In answering the questions: please do include individual examples; and talk about your group’s policy and practice – whatever is most appropriate.  Please bear in mind:

  • Individual cases relating someone’s experience are often the best way of explaining things
  • If you want to give an example of a particular case, it’s really useful to send a picture or a short video of the person etc you’re referring to
  • If you can provide quotes of what people actually said, that’s really useful.

Form 1 – Easter Evaluation

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We know the welcome that children and families get is one way in which Children's Quarter members add value and make sessions inclusive. We want to give examples of this to funders.
This could include things like adult:child ratios - please tell us about them. We want to give funders examples of why personalised services cost more.
Do you have any quotes from parents/carers or the results of surveys etc that show this? We want to help mainstream providers become more inclusive, but we also want to make it clear that they may have to do some serious work to get there.
We know that Fit for All providers add a lot in terms of resources, skills, time and volunteers as well as access to buildings and open spaces - we want to give funders examples of the value for money they get in terms of these additional resources.
We want to show the impact that services which include SEND children have - these are often very wide-ranging. Examples of the impact on children and families are really useful.
We want to show the benefits of investing in existing and grassroots groups - CQ groups and organisations are embedded in serving their communities: we don't just 'pop-up' when there is some funding available!

Your answers help make the case for continuing funding for inclusive holiday clubs in Birmingham. 

Call-backs are informal chats about how things went – what worked; what didn’t, but might have; and how you would like Fit for All to develop in future.  Please use the form below to choose a time in the next two weeks that suits you – and we’ll sort out the Zoom call.  You can have as many people from your group/ school or organisation take part in your Call-back as you like.

Book a call-back using form 2 in the right sidebar (or below if you are viewing the site on a mobile).