Bounce Up Soft Play Family Days


Five morning sessions at Bounce Mania soft play centre in Bordesley, central Birmingham are available free to Fit for All groups this Summer. The sessions are 10-12noon on the following dates:

Tuesday 23 July – Wednesday 31 July – Tuesday 6 August – Wednesday 14 August – Tuesday 20 August

They are intended as family events – so parents/carers will be expected to stay and, hopefully, to socialise and to use the opportunity to find out a bit about your group, about CQ and Fit for All and about Birmingham Parent Carer Forum (who have agreed to promote the events and are helping to fund them).

Each session has space for 70 young people. Half of the places at each will be made available for families to book independently through the BIOB website. That means that 35 places will be available for young people from your group if you book one of the sessions. (You are also very welcome to send a link to the BIOB booking site to other families who may be on your waiting list or who have enquired about your provision.) The idea is to create chances for children who are not currently attending any Fit for All sessions to get involved with their families so they can find out more.

Food is provided free at the Bounce Mania sessions and families will stay, but you will need to have enough staff and volunteers on site to help not only your parents/carers but also to be able to help other families who come along independently. Representatives of CQ and Birmingham Parent Carer Forum will also be on site to assist.

Bounce Mania is at 74 Lower Dartmouth St, Birmingham B9 4LA