Friday 2 December at St Pauls Venture Hall, Malvern Street (off Clifton Road), Balsall Heath B12 8NN 9.30-12.30pm
Free for Fit for All participants; anyone delivering Bring it On Brum sessions and members of Children’s Quarter, this training is led by expert practitioners from Resources for Autism.
During the 3 hour session, participants will understand more about autism and how it affects daily life; and gain confidence in communicating and interacting with autistic people.
The course is suitable for people who work, or volunteer, for or manage services for children and young people that are striving to become more inclusive.
If you aren’t involved in Fit for all, Bring it On Brum or CQ, this training costs £30 including refreshments. If you are, it’s free. Enquire about booking a place below.