Friday 17 March and Friday 31 March 9.30am-2.30pm at St Bede’s Church, Bryndale Ave, Birmingham B14 6NQ
FREE for Fit for All participants; anyone delivering Bring it On Brum sessions; members of Children’s Quarter, AND anyone seeking employment in a play scheme, this training is led by expert practitioners from GLUE Collective. Other participants are welcome – the fee is £30/session.
During each of the 5 hour sessions, participants will learn and try out tested ideas and skills for Inclusive Play – enabling you to open opportunities to children and young people to play together regardless of ability or background.
The course is suitable for people who work, or volunteer, with children and young people and for people who would like to work, or volunteer, in a play scheme this year. Fit for All can arrange further practical experience if you are looking for employment, leading to a rewarding job .
Book a place or find out more, using the form below. Please say which date(s) you are interested in (note: both sessions are identical):